
A. Uluslararası Hakemli Dergilerde Yayımlanan Makaleler :

A1.  Ugurlu K, Turan T, Urgancı N, Gozu A, Gunay Y, Bas L.

        Fusion of maxillary and mandibular alveolar process together with a      

        median mandibular cleft: a rare congenital anomaly.

J Craniomaxillofac Surg. Apr;27(2):105-8. (1999)

Fassio E, Ugurlu K, Goga D, Ballon G.

       Reconstruction of a mandibular and maxillary defect with a biscapular   

        bifascial flap as a single transplant.

J Oral Maxillofac Surg. Sep;57(9):1134-7. (1999)


A3.  Ugurlu K, Turgut G, Kabukcuoglu F, Ozcan H, Sanus Z, Bas L.

        Malignant fibrous histiocytoma developing in a burn scar.


A4.  Ugurlu K, Ozcelik D, Hacikerim S, Karasoy A, Bas L.

        The combined use of flaps based on subscapular vascular system for   

         unilateral facial deformities.

Plast Reconstr Surg. Oct;106(5):1079-89. (2000)

 A5.  Turgut G, Kuran I, Kabukcuoglu F, Ugurlu K, Huthut I.

        Wide excision and free flap reconstruction of two cases with adult form of  

        Juvenile Hyalin Fibromatosis localized on the foot.

Foot Ankle Int. Oct;22(10):823-7. (2001)


A6.  Ozcelik D, Ugurlu K, Turan T.

       Reconstruction of the replanted hand with latissimus dorsi muscle and

       serratus anterior fascia combined flap.

J Reconstr. Microsurg. Apr;19(3):153-6. (2003)


A7.  Ozcelik D, Turan T, Kabukcuoglu F, Ugurlu K, Ozturk O, Basak M, Bankaoglu M.

      Bone induction capacity of the periosteum and neonatal dura in the setting   

      of the rat zygomatic arch fracture model.
Arch Facial Plast Surg. Jul-Aug;5(4):301-8. (2003) 

A8.  Ugurlu K, Ozer K, Huthut I, Ozcelik D, Tatlidede S, Egemen O, Bas L.

       Experimental fascial flap model in the dog: free flap of the dorsal thoracic  

J Reconstr Microsurg. Oct;19(7):477-82. (2003)
A9. Ozcelik D, Tatlidede S, Hacikerim S, Ugurlu K, Atay M.

      The use of sentinel lymph node biopsy in squamous cell carcinoma of the

      foot: A case report.

J Foot Ankle Surg. Jan-Feb;43(1):60-3. (2004)


A10.  Ugurlu K, Huthut I, Bas L, Ozcelik D.

         An easy way to convey the vascular pedicle of the free flap through the   

Plast Reconstr Surg. Feb;113(2):780-1. (2004)


A11. Ugurlu KHüthüt İ, Ozcelik D, Özer K, Sakız D, Yıldız K, Baş L.

          Epithelialization process of free fascial flaps used in reconstruction of oral

          cavity mucosa defects in dog model.

Plast Reconstr Surg. March; 113(3)915 – 923. (2004)

         Discussion: Ziv M. Peled, Julian J. Pribaz


A12. Ugurlu KOzcelik D, Hüthüt İ, Yıldız K, Kılınc L, Baş L.

         Extended vertical trapezius myocutaneous flap in head and neck

          reconstruction: As a salvage procedure.

Plast Reconstr Surg. August; 114(2)339 – 350. (2004)

A13Kemal Uğurlu, Semra Karşıdağ, İlkay Hüthüt, Kemalettin Yıldız, Lütfü Baş

Congenital Fusion of the Maxilla and Mandible . Review”

Journal Craniofacial Surgery, 16(2), 287-291, (2005).


A14Kemal Uğurlu, Semra Karşıdağ, Derya Özçelik, Buğra Sadıkoğlu, Lütfü Baş.

        “Repair of Proboscis Lateralis.”

Scandinavian Journal Plastic Reconstructive Surgery and Hand Surgery, 39(3),

184-187, (2005).

A15. Soner Tatlıdede, Semra Karşıdağ, Kemal Uğurlu, Buğra Sadıkoğlu, Canan Tanık,

Lütfü Baş.

      “Sialoblastoma: A Congenital Epithelial Tumor of the Salivary Gland.”

Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 41(7), 1322-1325, (2006). 


A16. Kemal Uğurlu, Bülent Saçak, İlkay Hüthüt, Semra Karşıdağ, Damlanur Sakız,

Lütfü Baş.

       “Reconstructing Wide Palatomaxillary Defects Using Free Flaps Combining

        Bare Serratus Anterior Muscle Fascia and Scapular Bone.”

Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 65(4),  621-629, (2007).

A17. Sade C, Ugurlu K, Ozcelik D, Huthut I, Ozer K, Ustundag N, Saglam I, Bas L.

         Reconstruction of the urethral defects with autologous fascial tube graft in   

         a rabbit model

Asian J Androl. Nov;9(6):835-42. (2007).

A18. Semra Karşıdağ, Arzu Özcan, Şevki Şahin, Sibel Karşıdağ, Fevziye Kabukçuoğlu,

Kemal Uğurlu, Lütfü Baş

        Electrophysiologic and histopathologic evaluation of peripheral nerve

        regenerationat different nerve segments and with different repair


Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc, 42(4), 278-283, (2008).

A19. Semra Karşıdağ, Bülent Saçak, Serdar Bayraktaroğlu, Arzu Özcan, Kemal Uğurlu,

Lütfü Baş.

         A novel approach for the reconstruction of medial canthal and nasal dorsal

         defects: frontal hairline island flap.

Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 19(6), 1653-7, (2008).

 A20. Semra Karşıdağ, Arzu Özcan, Özay Özkaya, Kemal Uğurlu, Lütfü Baş.

         Use of wide bipedicled pericranial flap in anterior scalp reconstruction.

         J Craniofac Surg, 20(6), 2248-2251, (2009).

A21. Ozkaya O, Turgut G, Kayali MU, Uğurlu K, Kuran I, Baş L.

A Retrospective study on the epidemiology and treatment of maxillofacial fractures.

Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2009 May;15(3):262-6.


A22. Semra KarsidagArzu Özcan, Onur Sumer,  Kemal Ugurlu.

Single stage ala nasi reconstruction: Lateral nasal artery perforator flap.

        Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 21(6), 1887-9, (2010)


A23. Semra Karsidag, Özay Özkaya, Mahmut Ulvi Kayalı, Hülya Doğan, Ahmet Cemil Kaur, Kemal Uğurlu.

        Preliminary study on durability of nail as xenograft.

Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 21(6), 1843-7, (2010)

A24. Semra Karsidag, Arzju Akcal, Nebil Yesiloglu, Kemal Uğurlu

Medial Circumflex Femaoral Artery Perforator Flap in Seven Years old boys as an immediate reconstruction: A case report.

The Foot and Ankle Online Journal, 3(5), May 2010

A25. Özay Özkaya, Ayşin Karasoy Yeşilada, Semra Karşıdağ, Ali Tufan Soydan, Kemal Uğurlu, Lütfi Baş.

Dupuytren Kontraktürü: Etiyoloji, tanı ve cerahi tedavisi, 10 yıllık retrospektif analiz.

Türkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci, 30(2), 553-558, (2010).

A26. Karsidag S, Akcal A, Sirvan SS, Guney S, Ugurlu K.

Perineoscrotal reconstruction using a medial circumflex femoral artery perforator flap.

Microsurgery, 31(2), 116-21, (2011).

A27. Karşıdağ S, Akçal A, Turgut G, Uğurlu K, Baş L.

Lower extremity soft tissue reconstruction with free falp based on subscapular artery.

Acta Orthop Traumatol Trc, 45 (2), 100-108, (2011).

A28. Karsidag S, Akcal A, Karsidag T, Yesiloglu N, Yesilada AK, Ugurlu K.

Reduction mammaplasty using the free-nipple-graft vertical technique for severe breast hypertrophy: improved outcomes with the superior dermaglandular flap.

Aesthetic Plast Surg, 35(2), 254-61, (2011).

A29. Ugurlu K, Karsidag T, Akcal A, Karsidag S, Yazar M, Seven H.

   Bare serratus anterior free flapın the reconstruction of the partial pharyngoesophageal defect.

J Craniofac Surg. 22(3), 1010-2, (2011).


A30. Semra Karşıdağ, Özay Özkaya, Kemal Uğurlu, Lütfü Baş.

    The Practice of Plastic Surgery in Emergency Trauma Surgery: A Retrospective Glance At 10, 732 Patients.

Ulusal Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Dergisi, 17(1), 33-40, (2011)


A31. Musluman AM, Yilmaz A, Colak I, Soglu HC, Ugurlu K, Aydin Y.

Transfacial approach, pedicled rhinotomy for a clival chordoma: a technical report.

Turk Neurosurg. Jan;21(1): 86-9. (2011)

A32.  Ugurlu K, Egemen O, Bas L.

A usefull maneuver for facilitating anostomosis with fibrin glue.

J Craniofac Surg. May;22(3):1171. (2011)

A33.  Egemen O, Ugurlu K, Ozkaya O, Sacak B, Sakiz D, Bas L.

Anastomosis with fish-mouth technique using fibrin glue.

J Craniofac Surg. May;22(3):1047-51. (2011)

A34.  Karşıdağ S, Akçal A, Turgut G, Uğurlu K, Baş L.

Lower extremity soft tissue reconstruction with free flap based on subscapular artery.

Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2011;45(2):100-8.

A35.  Karşıdağ S, Akcal A, Sahin S, Kabukcuoglu F, Ugurlu K,

Neurophysiological and morphological responses to treatment with acetyl-L-carnitine in a sciatic nerve injury model: preliminary data.

J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2012 Jul;37(6):529-36

A36.  Ugurlu K, Karsidag T, Huthut I, Karsidag S, Ozer K, Sacak B, Akcal A.

Bare dorsal thoracic fascial flap for esophageal defects: An experimental study with dogs.

Surg Endosc. 2012 Jun;26(6):1682-9.

A37. Ozkaya O, Egemen O, Yeşilada A, Sakız D, Ugurlu K.

The effects of nonpreserved human amniotic membrane on the survival of ischaemic of skin flaps in rats.

J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2012 Dec;65(12):1700-5.

A38. Sacak B, Tosun U, Egemen O, Sucu DO, Özçelik IB, Ugurlu K.

Two-suture fish-mouth end-to-side microvascular anastomosis with fibrin glue.

J Craniofac Surg. 2012 Jul;23(4):1120-4.

A39. Erverdi AN, Yilmaz B, Motro M, Gozneli R, Ugurlu K.

Simultaneous alveolar cleft closure and dental midline correction with curvilinear intraoral distraction.

Cleft Palate Cranifac J. 2014 May;51(3):344-9.

A40. Yildiz K, Karsidag S, Akcal A, Yesiloglu N, Ugurlu K, Ozagari A, Guneren E, Bas L.

Comparison of the flap survival with ischemic preconditioning on different pedicles under varied ischemic intervals in a rat bilateral pedicled flap model.

Microsurgery. 2014 Feb;34(2):129-35.

A41. Akçal A, Karşıdağ S, Sucu DÖ, Turgut G, Ugurlu K, 

Microsurgical reconstruction in pediatric patients: a series of 30 patients.

Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2013 Sep;19(5):411-6.

A42. Ugurlu K, Sevim KZ, Akcal A, Karsidag S.

Modification of mandibular advancement osteotomy in a patient with Hanhart syndrome.

J Craniofac Surg. 2013 Nov;24(6):2162-6.

A43. Sacak B, Tosun U, Egemen O, Sakiz D, Ugurlu K.

Microvascular anastomosis using fibrin glue and venous cuff in rat carotid artery.

J Plast Surg Hand Surg. 2015 Apr;49(2):72-6.

A44. Görgülü T, Akçal A,  Ugurlu K.

Use of human nail for reconstruction of the orbital floor: An experimental study in rabbits.

Br J Oral Maxilofac Surg. 2016 Jul;54(6):664-8.

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